Monday, March 5, 2012


Tool 4 Assignment:

1. Create at least one document in Google Docs and share it with a few others on your campus or within your department. It could a team member, a department colleague, or another teacher with whom you plan a collaboration. Ask that person to comment or chat and real-time edit the document with you.
2. Create one form in Google Docs and send it via email to at least two other people and ask them to respond.
3. Briefly discuss how you can use the tools in Google Apps with your team or department. How can you incorporate Google Apps as a tool in your classroom? Which tools are you excited about using with students?  

Answer to 1-3: I created a document in Google Docs., and I sent the statement to two others. I like Google Docs application for editing capabilities. For instance, this could be utilized  by several teachers to ensure inter-rater reliability for grading essays and practice STAAR exams.  This could also be used in peer editing applications. 

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